Implementing New Feature in Paypal/Butterfly

November 21, 2020

I have been working on Paypal/Butterfly project for about a month. Previously I have fixed two bugs and this time I am implementing a new feature. The task is to replace existing logging framework, Logback, with Log4j2.

Logging frameworks

Logging in Java requires using a logging framework. There are many logging frameworks to choose from. Java provides a built in framework in java.util.logging package. There are also third party logging frameworks like Log4j, Logback, tinylog, Apache Commons Logging, SLF4J.

All these frameworks except SLF4J provide fundamental logging functionality with differences in features and performance. SLF4J is a facade for various logging frameworks. It provides interfaces which various frameworks implement and thus enables end users to use desired framework during deployment time. Programming against SLF4J interfaces also means that end users can switch to a different logging framework without changing all the codes for logging. An example will make it clear.

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class HelloWorld {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloWorld.class);"Hello World");

The above code example from SLF4J website, shows that we are logging an info “Hello World” using SLF4J API LoggerFactory. Behind the scene, we can use any of the above mentioned frameworks which provides implementation for SLF4J interfaces. Lets say we want to use Logback. All we need to do is provide the configuration file logback.xml. Again, if we decide to switch from Logback to Log4j2, all we need to do is replace configuration of Logback with Log4j2. Our code above doesn’t need to change. So, using SLF4J API instead of framework specific API provides huge flexibility.

Why Butterfly wants to use Log4j2

Apache Log4j2 is an upgrade to Log4j that provides significant improvements over its predecessor, Log4j 1.x, and provides many of the improvements available in Logback while fixing some inherent problems in Logback’s architecture.

Log4j2 offers many improvements including better performance. Its asynchronous logger’s performance is impressive. The following comparision, of different logging library performance gives some idea.

Logging library performance comparision source:

You can also read about performance here. Butterfly wants to take advantage of the improved performance specially the fast asynchronous logging.

How Butterfly is using Logback

Butterfly is using SLF4J API with Logback implementation. The Logback configuration file logback.xml has the following contents.

Butterfly logback configuration file

Lets see what these configurations mean.

  • At line 4, a property named logFile is defined. The value of logFile is calculated dynamically at runtime by LogFileDefiner class.
  • At line 6, a pattern for timestamp is defined.
  • Line 8 to 13 defines an Appender named FILE which is an instance of FileAppender class of Logback. The task of an Appender is to take a logging event and process it. So, the FILE appender in this case, processes an event by saving it in logFile(line 9) using the pattern specified in line 11.
  • Line 15 to 19 defines another Appender named CONSOLE, an instance of ConsoleAppender class of Logback, which processes a logging event by printing to console using the specified pattern.
  • Line 21 to 23 defines a Logger named com.paypal.butterfly.cli with level INFO. A logger is an object which is used by the application to log an event. An event can be marked by different levels like INFO,ERROR,DEBUG,TRACE etc. When a logger receives an event from the application it forwards that to the appenders registered with it. In this example, there is one registered appender- CONSOLE configured in line 15-19. So, when the application passes an event to com.paypal.butterfly.cli logger, it will print it to the console.
  • Line 25 to 27 defines a root logger with level ERROR and it has one registered appender- FILE. So, this logger will store log events to the logFile. Notice root logger has no name.

In addition to the above configuration file, Butterfly has two other configuration files- and

LogFileDefiner class provides functionality to define a log file at runtime. This log file is the file used in logback.xml line 4. You can check the full code here. LogFileDefiner class implements PropertyDefiner interface of Logback. This interface provides an abstract function public String getPropertyValue() which loads the value of logFile defined at line 4. defines several methods to change some Logback configurations at runtime such as changing log level and changing root logger’s appender to file. You can take a look at the code here.

How I implemented Log4j2

Log4j2 also provides implementation for SLF4J API. Therefore, the work is mainly related to configuration files and test files. I planned the work in 3 phases-

  1. Add Log4j2
  2. Add tests for new implementation and modify existing tests
  3. Remove Logback and related tests

Phase 1: Add Log4j2

Butterfly uses Gradle as build tool. I added the following dependencies in the build.gradle file.

dependencies {
log4j_api: "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.14.0",
// for using SLF4J API with Log4j2
log4j_slf4j_impl: "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j-impl:2.14.0",
// for async log4j2 logging
view raw build.gradle hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Next I added the following configuration file named log4j2.xml. Note, there is a bug at line 5. I talked about it later in the blog.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This line failed a test case -->
<Console name="CONSOLE" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%msg%n" />
<Routing name="Routing">
<Routes pattern="$${sys:logFile}">
<RandomAccessFile name="File" fileName="${sys:logFile}" immediateFlush="false">
<pattern>[%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS}] [%-4level] %msg%n</pattern>
<AsyncLogger name="com.paypal.butterfly.cli" level="INFO">
<AppenderRef ref="CONSOLE" />
<AsyncRoot level="ERROR">
<AppenderRef ref="Routing" />
view raw log4j2.xml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

The concept behind this configuration file is similar to the one described above for Logback. In a nutshell, the configuration is doing the following-

  • Define a console appender and routing appender [line 3 to 19]
  • Define two asynchronous loggers- com.paypal.butterfly.cli and root

Routing appender at line 8 needs some explanation. The root logger at line 25 uses routing appender to store log events to the logFile. The application requirement is to set the log file dynamically at runtime. It was easy to do so in Logback as we have seen in logback.xml. In Log4j2, I could not find a way to update the logFile at runtime. So, I wrapped the RandomAccessFile (faster than File) appender with Routing appender.

This appender can have multiple routes, and a route is selected by matching the pattern attribute, in our case at line 9. A route basically determines how a log event will be processed by using other appenders e.g. console, file etc. In our case there is only one route which process a log event using RandomAccessFile appender. So, when the root logger passes a log event to routing appender, it forwards the event to the RandomAccessFile appender which gets the log file name by evaluating the expression ${sys:logFile} and store the log in the file. How is this expression evaluated?

In Log4j2, this expression is used for property lookup. There are several lookup options to choose from. This particular lookup is done in system property. The application will store the name of the log file in the system property called logFile. Then RandomAccessFile appender can access that system property to get the file name.

Now, that Log4j2 is configured, there are two other configuration files- and I need to define new configuration to replace those files.


The main function of LogFileDefiner class is to expose methods to manipulate log file name like setting log file name, getting file name etc. These are simple getter and setter methods. In the previous section we have seen that we need to store the log file name to system property named logFile. This done by the following function-

public static void updateLog4jConfigWithLogFile(){
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Then I am calling this function from the main method. You can take a look at the full code here.


This class exposes methods to change some logging configurations at runtime. I have kept the function signature same as before but changed the implementation. To give an example, the root logger uses RandomAccessFile as appender. The application has a requirement to attach ConsoleAppender to root logger at runtime. It is done by the following method-

public void setVerboseMode(boolean verboseMode) {
this.verboseMode = verboseMode;
if (verboseMode) {
Layout layout = PatternLayout.newBuilder().withConfiguration(config).withPattern("[%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS}] [%highlight(%level)] %msg%n").build();
Appender consoleAppender = ConsoleAppender.createDefaultAppenderForLayout(layout);
// } else {

The above method, creates a console appender [line 42-44], removes existing appender from root logger[line 46] and attach newly created logger [line 46-47]. To understand more about dynamic configuration change, you can read about the architecture of Log4j2 here.

At this point, the phase 1 is complete.

Phase 2: Add Tests

I need to add test for Log4j2LogConfigurator class. There were test cases for the previous configuration LogbackLogConfigurator. I re-implemented those tests for Log4j2. The following test case is for the method setVerboseMode(boolean verboseMode) described above.

public void testVerboseOnAndRootLoggerHasConsoleAppender(){
Configuration config = ((LoggerContext)LogManager.getContext(false)).getConfiguration();
Assert.assertTrue(config.getRootLogger().getAppenders().get("DefaultConsole-2").getName().compareTo("DefaultConsole-2") == 0);
Assert.assertTrue(config.getRootLogger().getAppenders().get("Routing").getName().compareTo("Routing") == 0);

You can see all test cases here.

I have also added new test cases to check whether the actual logging is happening as expected. Those test cases are following-

* Tests for logging
public class LoggerTest{
public void testLoggingToConsoleWithLevelInfo() throws IOException{
PrintStream originalStdOut= System.out;
ByteArrayOutputStream consoleContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream printToFile = new PrintStream(consoleContent);
LoggerFactory.getLogger("com.paypal.butterfly.cli").info("Butterfly application transformation tool");
Assert.assertTrue(consoleContent.toString().compareTo("Butterfly application transformation tool\n")==0);
public void testLoggingToFile() throws IOException {
String fileName = System.getProperty("user.dir") +"/logs/testLoggingToFile.txt";
String testLine ="Butterfly application transformation tool";
File logFile = new File(fileName);
Assert.assertTrue(FileUtils.readFileToString(logFile, "UTF-8").contains("Butterfly application transformation tool"));
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<code data-gist-id=“ca176a0335131a092618cb9066fc3fee”

Now, it is time to run the tests. When I ran the tests one of the tests failed. This was an integration test. The following portion of the test was failing-

public void helpTest() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
// Capturing the console output
PrintStream systemOut = System.out;
File helpOut = File.createTempFile("butterfly-cli-help-output", null);
PrintStream helpStream = new PrintStream(helpOut);
// Running help option three times (in different ways) to capture console output
assertEquals(new ButterflyCliApp().run().getExitStatus(), 0);
assertEquals(new ButterflyCliApp().run("-h").getExitStatus(), 0);
assertEquals(new ButterflyCliApp().run("-?").getExitStatus(), 0);
// Closing captured console output stream, and restoring original system out
// Ensuring console output is as expected
File helpBaselineOut = new File(this.getClass().getResource("/helpOut.txt").toURI());
assertTrue(FileUtils.contentEquals(helpBaselineOut, helpOut), "Generated help differs from test baseline\nTest baseline: " + helpBaselineOut + "\nGenerated result: " + helpOut + "\n");
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This is where I was stuck for almost 2 days. This test is checking logging to console by first redirecting printing to console to a file and then matching the content of that file with base output. It was failing because the log messages printed to console was not redirecting to the file. I could not figure out why. I went through the Log4j2 documentation multiple times, checked online. It was painful. It took me two days to find the bug and it was a silly bug. I think most of cases, silly bugs are difficult to find. So, the bug was in the following line of code in log4j2.xml.

  <Console name="CONSOLE" target="SYSTEM_OUT">

Log4j2 has a specific attribute for ConsoleAppender to allow for redirection of System.out. It is called follow=true. So the fix is following-

  <Console name="CONSOLE" target="SYSTEM_OUT" follow="true">

As simple as that. I ran the tests again. Alas! it failed again. This time log messages were going to the file but their sequences were messed up. It didn’t take me long to understand that it was due to asynchronous loggers of Log4j2. The test was written for Logback which was logging synchronously. So, obviously it is going to fail for asynchronous logging. I did not have much knowledge about testing asynchronous methods. So, I started searching online and reading documentation for TestNG, the testing framework Butterfly is using. I found that using Thread.sleep() is not a good idea to test async code. Moreover, the test was an integration test. I had no idea in how many places, I had to put Thread.sleep(). I have read in several places, that for testing purpose, instead of async logging configuration, a synchronous logging configuration is used. I thought this to be a better solution. Of course, there are other ways to test async code, probably better. I need to read about them later. For, now I am going to create a separate configuration file for testing purpose. Everything in this file is same as log4j2.xml except the loggers are not async. So, it looked like below-

    <Logger name="com.paypal.butterfly.cli" level="INFO">
        <AppenderRef ref="CONSOLE" />
    <Root level="ERROR">
        <AppenderRef ref="Routing" />

Run the tests again. This time all tests passed.

Phase 3: Removing Logback and Test files

Alright, now that the new framework is fully functioning, it is time to remove the old framework. This basically means removing the configuration files and tests related to the framework. The configuration files are again logback.xml, and You can look at the pull request here to see all these changes.

In addition to removing these files, I have to remove the framework from dependencies. While removing, we need to remember about the transitive dependencies. A portion of Logback was added as direct dependency in the build.gradle file as below-

dependencies {
logback: "ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.1.7",
view raw build.gradle hosted with ❤ by GitHub

So, I removed this. Next to check the transitive dependencies in gradle, I ran gradle dependencies and found the following-

Logback transitive

So, Logback-core was brought by Spring framework as transitive dependency. I needed to remove that too like below in the build.gradle file.

  compile (lib.spring_boot_starter) {

Alright, now that the old framework and tests files related to it were removed, it is time to run the tests again. I ran the tests and all tests passed. Great.

Opening PR

Before I pushed my code to Github, I double checked my codes to make sure, I am not adding anything unnecessary. Then I rebased my work on the develop branch and combined all my commits into one single commit and pushed to Github. Finally I created a pull request against the develop branch. You can see the pull request here.

My learning

This pull request is the biggest one I have done so far. Before I started working on this issue, I knew nothing about logging. I now have fair understanding of Logback, Log4j2 and SLF4J. I have also used the testing framework TestNG. My knowledge about Gradle has also enhanced. Apart from that navigating the code base, understanding how things are working and determining what to change and how is very critical. Overall, this PR was full of learning for me and I feel good about it.